Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I love this movie...and song!!

Of course, tissues are required so have some handy! :)
May we all keep the true spirit of Christmas in our hearts this season...and always!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We caught the SICKIES...

I gathered everyone quickly after church and hurried home...I did NOT want to clean up vomit out of the van. As soon as we got home, she got a little drink of water and within 1 minute she was throwing up again.....YUCK,YUCK,YUCK!! Poor little thing! Now (tonight) Brenden is complaining that his tummy hurts...OH NO!
Here is my positive take on this least it is not next week and hopefully this will all be over before Christmas!! Let's all keep our fingers crossed. I'm such an optimist...haha!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Yesterday's Cute Happenings...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Chocolate cake makes her smile...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Did someone say 48 cakes?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bubbles, Bubbles, and more Bubbles
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Favorite Thanksgiving Dessert Recipe
Frosty Pumpkin Dessert
Source: The Pampered Chef
32 gingersnap cookies, finely chopped (1 1/3 cups crumbs)
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 (1/2 gallon) container vanilla ice cream, divided
2 1/2 cups frozen whipped topping, thawed, divided
2/3 cup toffee bits
1 cup solid pack pumpkin
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons Pantry Cinnamon Plus Spice Blend (I use pumpkin pie spice)
Chop cookies with Food Chopper, Place butter in Small Micro-Cooker; microwave on HIGH 30 to 40 seconds or until melted. Stir in crumbs. Firmly press crumb mixture onto bottom of Springform Pan. Place in freezer.
Scoop half of the ice cream into Classic Batter Bowl using Ice Cream Dipper. Place in refrigerator 10 minutes to soften.
Fold 1 cup of the whipped topping and toffee bits into softened ice cream just until blended. Spread evenly over crust using All-Purpose Spreader. Freeze until firm, about 1 hour.
Place remaining ice cream in refrigerator 10 minutes to soften.
Meanwhile, mix pumpkin, brown sugar and spice blend in batter bowl. Scoop softened ice cream into pumpkin mixture. Mix just until blended. Spread evenly over ice cream layer. Freeze until firm, about 8 hours or overnight.
When ready to serve, place dessert in refrigerator 20 minutes for easier slicing.
Fill Easy Accent Decorator with remaining whipped topping. Run Utility Knife around outside of dessert; remove collar from Springform pan. Smooth sides with spreader. Cut dessert into wedges. Garnish each serving with whipped topping and sprinkle with additional spice blend, if desired.
Yield: 16 servings
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wonderful Weekend

...what a wonderful weekend!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Cheri's Birthday-a week long celebration!
My wonderful hubby surprised me with a special day last Saturday. First, we went to the movies and saw The Secret Life of Bees. Then we went to the mall and walked around. After that, we came home and he told me to get dressed up. Then he really surprised me by taking me to dinner at this restaurant called Peterson's. It was the best food we have ever had...EVER!! It was such a nice surprise. I felt bad for him though, because he had planned on surprising me by taking me to the driving range and teaching me how to golf. Then we were suppose to go to Ft. Ben State Park and go for a nice long walk through the trails. BUT---it was freezing that day! His plan B turned out fantastic, though!! We had a wonderful day together. Brittaney was wonderful and watched the kids all day for us and the kids behaved for her! :) Thanks kiddos!!
Then on Wednesday (my birthday was Thursday, the next day) Rich came home from school and he had stopped by the store on his way home and picked me up this card and peach roses (my favorite). It was very sweet of him and a nice surprise for me.
Then on Thursday, he surprised me by coming home for lunch (he never does that). It actually kind of scared me when I heard the front door open. After work, he surprised me by bringing me a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino from Starbucks. I LOVE that drink!!!! Brittaney (with the kid's help) had made me my texas sheet cake after school and then Rich iced it when he got home. YUMMY!! Christopher made me french toast for dinner (he makes the best french toast)!! In our family, the birthday person gets to pick the dinner meal. French toast sounded good that day. haha Later that evening my visiting teachers brought me a bright, beautiful bouquet of flowers. That was so sweet and thoughtful of them.
I had a wonderful week and I really appreciate the effort Rich and the kids put in to making this birthday very special for me. I love you all !! Thank you!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
I have some people very special to me that are going through very tough times in their life right now, and I just wanted to share this. This video (the images and music) sum up my testimony of our Savior without me saying a word. I, too, have gone through some tough things in my life. I didn't always handle everything the way that I should have, but I never lost my testimony. That is what got me through my trials. Through faith in Christ...
EVERYTHING is possible!!
One thing I learned through my trials was that the Atonement isn't only for our sins ( I "knew" that, but I didn't KNOW that). Christ suffered for every feeling that we would feel-every tear we would shed, every ounce of fear, sadness, frustration, loneliness, heartache we would ever have---he suffered for it ALL!! All we have to do is allow the Atonement to work for us in our own lives. It truly is miraculous!! I know our Father in Heaven and our Savior love us beyond description. They are mindful of our needs and our feelings. They know what we need to endure in this life to reach our Celestial potential. Trust in Him, have faith, and remember to pray. If you can't pray, know that I am praying for you!! I love all of you dearly and you are all in my prayers! I hope and pray that each of you can find the peace and joy in your life that I know the Atonement can bring you.
This has been my favorite scripture since I was in high school.
Alma 26:27
Now, when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.
This is one of my favorite poems that has helped me also.
I know not by what methods rare
But this I know God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His word
Which tells me prayer is always heard.
And will be answered, soon or late,
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessings sought
Will come just in the way I thought.
But leave my prayers with Him alone
Whose will is wiser than my own.
Assured that he will grant my quest
Or send some answer far more blessed.
Eliza M. Hickok
Friday, October 31, 2008
Living With Type 1 Diabetes!
***Pause the blog music first***
I saw this video and it brought out so many emotions! I loved it, yet it made me so sad! I wish the world could realize what it is like to live with Type 1 diabetes or to have a loved one living with it. The DAILY struggles, the frustration, the elation when the numbers are good, the worry when they aren't, the sleepless nights, the feelings of being alone in this (when you know you really aren't), the empathy and compassion, the anger, the why me/them, the admiration of his strength and persistance, the fear, the wishing your son didn't have this disease, the pride and love when you see him fighting this disease, the heartache when you see his eyes well up with tears but won't let them fall in order to be "brave" even though the needles really DO hurt, the roller coaster of emotions, the excitement for new treatments but mostly the HOPE for a cure!
Today when Christopher gets home from school I am going to have him watch this and come up with a word for his hand and take pictures. I will have the rest of us do it also. Here's my favor: for anyone reading this, would you please do the same and email me your pictures (pass the word along too). Our email is: I would like to do up a video similar to this just for Christopher with all the hands of people who love him and care about him and his struggle! Thank you for helping me do this!
For Christopher: Bud, thank you for being so courageous in this fight! Thank you for teaching me what it means to trust in Heavenly Father and his plan for us. You are doing so well with living with this disease rather than being this disease. I am so proud of how you take care of yourself. No, you aren't perfect in your control, but I know you are trying your BEST and noone is ever perfect. I watch as you test and have to inject yourself with your pump site and especially your sensor site (that needle is pretty big and hurts) and I watch your eyes. You always try to be so brave. You have come a long way...from 5 shots a day to having a pump and now you have the continuous glucose monitoring system. How blessed we have been with this technology. Keep fighting hard and keep hoping hard-I know there will be a cure one day!! You are such en example and inspiration to others, not just because of your diabetes, but because of who you are as a person. Continue to be that young man. Make the right choices and you will be eternally blessed! I love you Christopher!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Boy's Side...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Christopher's Big News...
p.s. When he gets home from school today I will see if he minds me taking a picture of his belly with his pump and sensor so you can see what it looks like. I'm sure he won't mind! :)
OK-the sensor is the whitething on (his) right side and the other round thing is his site for his pump. You can see his insulin pump right below it. Neither is very big, but they literally save his life!! Cool, huh?!
School Updates
She is doing fabulous! Her teacher absolutely adores her. She said she has never seen a child that is so loving, empathetic, kind, and so aware of other peoples feelings around her. She said she is so well rounded. She said her social skills are incredible (couldn't ask for better), she said her attention span is so long...yea, and she said she has already mastered everything for kindergarten. She told us that she writes very well and her pictures are incredible. In fact, she said the art teacher came down after school one day to show her this picture Katelyn had painted of a sunflower. She told her she couldn't believe the detail and that a kindergartener had painted this. The funny part is that she said after she saw it, she turned around and then Katelyn painted a big green circle around it and she was like......NOOOOOOO!! I asked Katelyn about the green circle and she said that she had to draw the LONG grass around it. Pretty funny if you ask me. So, we can't wait to see this amazing picture!! I would have to say we were very pleased with the conference. :)
I was a little worried about this one. Brenden had a horrible experience with kindergarten. We did NOT care for his teacher. He would cry when it was time for school. I even spent a few mornings in tears myself. Then, when school started this year, he had this teacher and it was a man and he wore glasses jsut like Brenden. Brenden was so excited. He loved going to school! YEA!! But...the second week of school they had to downsize first grade and move one of the teachersto 2nd grade. You guessed was my sweet, little Brenden's teacher that was moved and he got moved to a new class. Can you say HORRIBLE!! The day he came home and told me, he just started crying. I felt so bad. Anyway, I think it might have been the best thing ever. Heloves his new teacher and so do I. Brenden has straight A's. He is reading above grade level and is above grade level in math too. He loves spelling. If you ask him what his favorite subject in school is he will tell you "spelling tests". :) She has really pushed him and he has come out of his shell and has exploded academically. She said she just loves him. He got straight A's and is doing great.
Her teacher loves her too. She said she is very well behaved and is doing great at turning her work in on time. She has an incredibly neat desk and she showed us. Kehli got straight A's too and her teacher said she is going to try to challenge her more next quarter. Kehli loves to read and she is reading above grade level, of course. Her and Brittaney can't keep their noses out of books (not that I am complaing...I love that)!! Kehli is quite the artist also and we got to see some of her work hanging in the hallway. She is doing really well at math and her teacher said once she gets all of her timed tests under 3 minutes, she won't make her take one ever again. Kehli was very excited about that. She is very good at math too. She is also very fast running her mile. I can't remember her exact time, but she is the fastest girl and beat most of the boys....GO KEHLI!! She is having a great year.
We didn't have parent/teacher conferences for him. He got 2 B's and the rest were A's. YEAH!!His B in english was an 89. He has to turn in reading logs every week. If they forget to get them signed then she only gives them 80 out of 100. He forgot 3 times. When i saw he had an 89 I was going to write his teacher and see if she would give him an extra credit assignment to do, but then I decided this could be a great life lesson for him instead. I explained to him that if he had just turned in one of those reading logs with a signature that he would have an A. He said "Are you serious....awwww man"! I told him he has to remember that even the littlest of things can add up and make a huge difference. I think it was a good lesson for him, besides a B is great too!! We are really proud of his grades. And he got these grades while playing football too! Yea!! He is still playing trumpet and doing very well too! I will try and get the kids to do a post about school too. He is doing fabulous though and is having a great year so far!
Brittaney got all A's except for a B in French 3. She was totally bummed! Her French teacher is very tough (which is great), so I just asked her if she did her best and she said yes, so I told her you can't be disappointed in that now can you? She works so hard and we rarely have to tell her to do her homework. Education is very important to her....YEAH!! She is having a blast in her show choir. I will try and get her to blog about her experiences with a broadway star in her show choir. She still plays her violin in orchestra too. She said she is going to run cross country again next year too. The young women in our ward are training for a big bike ride next summer. Some adults (including me) are going to bike down to the Louisvile, KY temple next summer with the young women. She is so excited! The YW have been begging for a high adventure trip. The boys get one every year and now they finally get one. It's going to be really tough, but she will do great! More details about that to come in the future! She is doing great in school too, though!
OVERALL: out kids are loved by their teachers and they were all praised about their behaviors and their grades. We have such great kids and they are all really smart did that happen? Rich likes to take the credit for that! :) Great job kiddos!!
Katelyn's Surprise!
Katelyn Validates my "Mommyness"
Gives me baths
Cleans the house
Cooks yummy food
Takes care of Daddy
Sings and Dances
Acts silly
Takes everyone places
Gives lots of hugs and kisses
Plays with me
Goes through our clothes
Does LOTS of laundry
Makes lists Helps people
Makes beautiful cakes
Loves my family
Helps me get on the computer
Fixes our boo-boos
I would have to say that she covered things pretty well! I'm so thankful that my 5 year old notices the things that I do. I LOVE being a mom and that just made my day! Thanks for noticing, Katelyn! Mommy loves you!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kehli's 9th Birthday Party!
These are pictures from Kehli's 9th birthday party! She had a BLAST, but it was crazy. There were 20 girls (including Kehli) at her party!! I know....what was I thinking? I was going to do a slumber party, but after I told her she could invite her friends from school I decided against that...THANKFULLY!! She received many wonderful gifts from her friends. We had cake and ice cream and then they watched Camp Rock with the Jonas Brothers in it! Her friend Lauren and her cousins Heather and Brian spent the night (Brian slept over with Brenden)! I hope that she felt very special and loved because she is...special and VERY LOVED!!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Funny, Funny, Funny...
This is the funniest video ever. Brittaney showed it to me a few months ago and I can't stop laughing at it still. It gets funnier and funnier every time I watch it. I have been so busy the last 2 weeks and haven't posted so I thought I would share this and tell you to stay tuned for more posts. They ARE coming!! Enjoy the video.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Precious Moment...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What I Do ALL Day...

A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud,with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the backdoor. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls. As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, 'What happened here today?' She again smiled and answered, 'You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what I do all day?''Yes,' was his incredulous reply. She answered, 'Well, today I didn't do it.'
Monday, September 22, 2008
Funny Story about Brenden and Grandpa!
I LOVE my new zebra!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Nana made it all better...
B: Hi Nana!
N: Hi Brenden. Hey, have you lost something that you loved and wished you could have back?
B: (paused for a moment)...Nope...
N: (grabbed the bag and started pulling out the blanket slowly) Not even a....(she didn't even get a chance to finish)
B: (his eyes were as big as quarters and he said)...A BIG BLANKIE... YEAH!!!!! He grabbed it and snuggled it and started to jump out of the car.....(I knew where he was headed so quickly...he wanted to show his Daddy)! Of course I grabbed him and reminded him to thank Nana and so he gave her BIG hugs and kisses. Then he jumped out of the car and ran inside to show Rich! (Nana understood his excitement, though)!! Thanks Nana!
Mom, thank you for making my little boys day! You know how I feel about those blankets and so I guess you can say you made my day too!! :) Who knew when you bought me that yellow blanket 34 years ago that it would become a family tradition! I LOVE those blankets.
P.S. Just so everyone mom was gone for 3 hours trying to find Brenden this blanket. She couldn't find a blue one anywhere. She wound up finding one on the other side of town. So she drove all the way there to pick it up for him. That's a big deal, especially considering gas prices. What a trooper...THANKS are the BEST!! I LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Katelyn's Birthday Cake!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Another "First"...
That sounded great didn't it? If only that had really happened. The truth is.... he was playing football (catch) out front with his best friend (our next-door neighbor), Josh, and he tripped over the curb while trying to catch a pass. I guess Christopher thought that his Steeler's Jersey gave him SUPERPOWERS...haha!! WRONG!! Needless to say, we got to spend the evening in the ER last night! Luckily, we weren't there too long. They put him in a splint and we have to go see the orthopaedic doctor on Monday. What really stinks is that football tryouts were this last week and practice starts on Monday. I don't know that Christopher will be playing this year now. I guess we will see. I are all so jealous of Christopher! haha
Christopher, when I said in the last post that I love "firsts", I didn't mean that you needed to get in on the action too! I can do without these kind of "firsts"!! haha Seriously, love you bud and I'm sorry this happened to you!! Hopefully, you can still play at some point. Love you!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tayler's First Steps 8.14.08

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Katelyn's First Day of Kindergarten!
Yesterday was the big day! She was so excited! She gets to ride the bus with Brenden and they sat together, so I'm sure that helped! Daddy went in to work late so he could see her get on the bus too...what a GREAT Daddy!! I must admit my heart ached as I watched the bus drive little girl is now in Kindergarten. She is a very young kindergartener here, but she is more than ready. She is a little smarty pants like her big brothers and sisters. Her teacher was very impressed with her writing abilities. She had a wonderful day and said that she made A LOT of friends. Her teacher sent home a picture of the class, which is nice to put a face with a name! Her teacher seems FANTASTIC!! I think she is going to have a great year! We'll keep you posted on all of her new, fun, and exciting adventures (as well as the other kids too)!!
Happy Birthday Katelyn!
After the kids went to school, I asked Katelyn what she wanted to do. She wanted to go to the Children's Museum. So, we got ready and headed down there. Here are some pictures from our day. We had A LOT of fun!! Happy Birthday Katelyn! I LOVE YOU!!