Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Potty Talk

For any of you who hate when mom's talk "potty talk"...I suggest you skip reading this post! For everyone else, here is the scoop! I decided that I would like to try and potty train Tayler this summer. She is only 1 (she'll be 2 on September 11), but I thought I would still try. The sooner we get rid of diapers, the better! Anyway---I have been sitting her on the potty periodically trying to get her used to sitting on it so she won't be scared when it is time to actually potty-train. It's actually kind of cute...here is this tiny little girl sitting on this big potty. In case you are wondering, I HATE potty chairs. They totally gross me out. I have always potty-trained my kids to go on the big potty. Well, yesterday was Tayler's 20 month birthday and she gave mommy a great present. After her nap, I put her on the potty and told her to go "poopie" in the potty. Guess what...she DID!! It was almost too easy. Now, by NO means am I trying to tell you she is potty-trained. I am no dummy! In fact, it was probably just an "accident", but I will take what I can get! The funniest part of all of it was probably my reaction. I started clapping and jumping around and shouting "yay Tayler". She was just giggling and was so proud of herself! Mommy was very proud of her too!
This could be the start of a beautiful friendship! :)


OMA AND OPA said...

Great story! It never hurts to try, you know those kids are smarter than the parents think. Are you sure she wasn't just laughing at her silly mommy?? Hope you continue having those kind of "accidents". Kiss her for Oma too, ok! Love ya, love the pic.too

Unknown said...

cute pic and cute post (even if it was about potties!) Yay for Tayler and good for you in trying early!!! I miss that cute little girl -give her a kiss for me too!! Love you!